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Master Program , Department of International Trade

Department of International Trade


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The Department of International Trade established our five-year junior college in 1967. Our school transitioned into an institute of technology in 2000, and our department began admissions for four-year and two-year college students (including day school, night school, division for continuing education, and in-service education programs). The master’s program was established in 2015.

        Currently, our department has four programs: master’s program, four-year college, five-year junior college, and four-year night school college for continuing education, totaling 23 classes and about 1,180 students.


Positioning for Development

The Department is mainly positioned to offer international trade education, as well as provide talents in trade development, business management and customer service needed by the import/export industry.  In recent years, the Department has fully taken advantage of its location to maintain satisfactory relations with local businesses in New Taipei City and Taipei City, from which the Department also receive very positive recognition due to its academic performance.  As for features of the Department’s development, there are mainly five points as follows:

1.  Considering development of both localization and globalization.

2.  Emphasizing on incubation of foreign language ability and information skills.

3.  Valuing training on international business practice and commercial negotiation


4.  Aiming at nurturing full-scaled international trade talents.

5.  Reinforcing consultation for students in sitting for related certification examinations, to increase their competitiveness in career placement. 



  1. .  With reference to the curriculum of international trade and business programs in domestic and foreign universities, the Department has carefully discussed and established a well-organized structure consisting of the two modules of “International Business and Trade Management” and “Cross-Border E-Commerce Operations,” which further encompass trade, management, marketing, finance, international banking, international business strategy, international business negotiation, electronic commerce platform, logistics, etc.  Besides, we particularly emphasize courses like leadership, corporate culture, innovation, and enterprise spirit, in order to foster excellent management professionals.

    2.  Based on the principle of “quality over quantity” at the outset of its establishment, the Department will carefully construe, maintain and increase its teaching quality.  It pays particular attention to foreign language ability, commercial and trade application skills, as well as internet skills of students, and it has been striving to develop exchange and cooperation with domestic and foreign business, academic and governmental organizations, with the aim to help students learn modernized professional trade-operating skills, who may later become high-level international economic and trade talents.

    3.  The Department will design its curriculum pursuant to the principles of foresight and entrepreneur spirit, including in its curriculum newer management courses like entrepreneurship, innovation management, technology management, service industry management, and leadership, in order to foster 21st-century leaders that possess cutting-edge knowledge in their time and a modern global vision.

    4.  Given that a successful business must count on leaders that pay attention to human values and work efficiency, the Department aims to foster the graduate with a humanitarian disposition, personal educational ethic, and leadership skills, as opposed to a narrow focus on professional management knowledge alone.  The Department will also proactively train entry-level managers to instill passion, vision, a sense of responsibility, a willingness to take responsibility, and an inclination towards innovation.  Furthermore, we hope to build the student’s character by developing an ethos of courage under pressure, expertise in communication, attention to justice and principle, team spirit, executive ability and endurance, in order to meet the needs of modern enterprises and society in general.

    5.  Curriculum design of the Department aims to foster professional international business talents.  It adopts the concept of program design, where in addition to basic curriculum, general curriculum, college core curriculum and department-required curriculum, students may choose any single program as the major program for specialty study from another department, and may take advantage of the open elective credits to take courses of personal interest in other departments or colleges.

    6.  In addition, the Department has stipulated certain graduation requirements, such as completing one of the two modules, passing recognized national certification examinations, receiving a score of at least 550 in TOEIC, etc. 

    7.  In addition, the Department has developed special programs for regional study, including “Latin American Business and Trade Program” and “Southeast Asian Business and Trade Program.”  We further work with the Ministry of Labor to conduct career placement programs in the area of digital trade; we also work with the Ministry of Education to develop cross-border e-commerce courses that cope with the industrial trend.

    8.  Due to its excellent academic performance, in 2016 the Department earned approval from the Ministry of Education for establishing the graduate school, to further nurture high-level trade professionals.




The Departmental Office is located on the 5th floor of the Multi-Purpose Teaching Building.


Course Plan 

  1. With reference to the curriculum of international trade and business programs in domestic and foreign universities, the Department has carefully discussed and established a well-organized structure consists of the three modules of trade finance, trade practice, and trade marketing, which further encompasstrade, management, marketing, finance, international banking, international business strategy, international business negotiation, special topics in international business, etc. We particularly emphasize courses like leadership, corporate culture, innovation, and enterprise spirit, in order to foster excellent managementprofessionals.
  2. Based on the principle of “quality over quantity” at the outset of its establishment, the Department will carefully construe, maintain and increase its teaching quality. It pays particular attention to foreign language ability, commercial and trade application skills, as well as internet skills of students, and it has been striving to develop exchange and cooperation with domestic and foreign business, academic and government organizations, with the aim to help students learn modernized professional trade-operatingskills, who may later become high-leve l international economic and trade talents.
  3. The Department will design its curriculum pursuant to the principles of foresight and entrepreneur spirit, including in its curriculum newer management courses like entrepreneurship, innovation management, technology management, service industry management, and leadership, in order to foster 21st-centuryleaders that possess cutting-edge knowledge in their time and a modern global vision.
  4. Given that a successful business must count on leaders that pay attention to human values and work efficiency, the Department will aim to foster a graduate with a humanitarian disposition, personal educational ethic, and leadership skills, as opposed to a narrow focus on professional management knowledge alone; the Department will also proactively train entry-level managers to instill passion, vision, a sense of responsibility, a willingness to take responsibility, and an inclination towards innovation. Furthermore, we hope to build the student’s character by developing an ethos of courage under pressure, expertise in communication, attention to justice and principle, team spirit, executive ability and endurance, in order to meet the needs of modern enterprises and society in general.
  5. Curriculum design of the Department aims to foster professional international business talents. It adoptsthe concept of program design, where in addition to basic curriculum, general curriculum, college corecurriculum and department-required curriculum, students may choose any single program as the majorprogram for specialty study from another department, and may take advantage of the open elective creditsto take courses of personal interest in other departments or colleges.
  6. In addition, the Department has stipulated certain graduation requirements, such as completing one of the three modules, passing one of the recognized national certification examinations, receiving a score of at least 500 in TOEIC, etc.


        Our courses put an emphasis on practical skills oriented towards trade management, combining online trade with international e-commerce to cultivate high-quality business talent, and promoting educator training and the integration of teaching resources. As international e-commerce has become mainstream in global trade, in order to strengthen the integration of students and the workplace and gradually place the focus of classes on work, our department will be revising our curriculum to international trade management and cross-border e-commerce to meet the industry needs.

        To equip students with practical skills, sophomore classes have gone through horizontal integration: international trade practice, statistics, market research, big data analysis, introduction to e-commerce and online trade, trade fair marketing, business foreign language briefings, business foreign language-English, and virtual exhibition design and implementation courses, and events such as the Simulated International Trade Exhibition Competition, so that students can not only learn professional knowledge and theory, but also apply it to practical activities. In addition, students begin group mentoring for research in the second semester of freshman year. Research exploration happens in sophomore year, and research begins in junior year, relating to courses such as statistics, market research and data analysis practice, international trade management topics, and topic production topics exploration and production of practical topics.

At the same time, to enhance students’ understanding of future practices and prepare for employment, the second semester of junior year offers classes for workplace ethics and career planning, using case explanations and discussions, so students can understand corporate and workplace ethics, cultivate students’ moral judgment and competence, develop a good working attitude, establish students' correct attitudes and values, and actively help students to apply for a job smoothly through writing of resume autobiography and practice of interview skills.

In the first semester of senior year, international business lectures will be offered, with industry professionals invited to the school to give these special lectures. Students can have a deeper understanding of the employment environment before graduation and grasp relevant developments of the country's trade industry and manufacturer management.


        The Simulated International Trade Show is one of our department’s events for practical training of international trade, established more than 30 years ago. Its purpose is to introduce social resources and provide a simulated environment for students to experience the business process. During a series of trade show activities, students are expected to integrate relevant disciplines, including international trade practice, exhibition English, trade show marketing, statistical data analysis, market research, accounting, finance, database systems, and online trade marketing courses. More importantly, students are given the opportunity to prepare for an international business exhibition as the role of a manufacturer.

        The series of the Simulated International Trade Show Competitions gives second year students of the four-year college program and fourth year students of the five-year junior college program one year of preparation for the competitions, including statistical data and planning analysis (including budget planning implementation and financial statement analysis), foreign language briefing applications (including business foreign language briefings and market survey briefings), business practice applications (including market survey statistical analysis, exhibition planning, exhibition trading in English), cross-border e-commerce and online marketing, etc.

        Through these competitions, students have improved their understanding of the trade process and influenced students’ interest in professional courses. Today, the Simulated International Trade Show has become one of our department’s major features.

描述: F:\01-學生競賽\02-全國國貿商品展\2019(108)全國商品展\PIC\21952兩岸商展競賽_190527_0047.jpg

2019 Cross-Strait Collegiate Foreign Trade Simulated Exhibition Competition

描述: F:\01-學生競賽\02-全國國貿商品展\2018(107)全國商品展\2018全國商品展照片\IMG_4723.JPG

2018 ASEAN Cross-Strait Collegiate Foreign Trade Simulated Exhibition Competition


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